I've posted about Woodstock before here and here. The Woodstock 5k is definitely one of the biggest races in Alabama. This year there were over 1,500 runners, a record. I didn't participate this year because of other stuff going on but I did go to support my friend Krystle and her boyfriend as they ran. I decided to take my camera and attempt some action shots because I've never done that with my dslr before. I was really pleased with how some of them turned out.
I feel like I saw everyone I've ever met at the race, but I actually really enjoyed it. It felt like an awesome coming together of the community, and for a great reason. It's so awesome to see there are that many people in my hometown concerned with health and fitness. Although I will admit, I felt like a slothful fatty just taking pictures of the runners. I almost wore my knee brace so people would think that's why I wasn't running.
Here are some of my favorite shots from the day, not shared in the collage:
By the way, the winner finished the full 5k in a little over 15 minutes. I can barely do ONE mile in 11 minutes.
Have you ever participated in a 5k run before?

4 lovely notes:
Awww, Woodstock! It makes my heart hurt that I wasn't there to run it this year. You got some really great shots!
Nice shots! You totally should have worn the brace. Lol.
1) Your blog looks awesome!
2) I grew up in a small town and everyone always came out for the 5k whether they ran it or not. It was such a fun tradition and I always saw everyone I knew there too. I started laughing when I read the knee brace comment haha
Great job with the photos!
I have never run a 5k. I was training to do one once but I get shin splints really bad and had to quit because my shins were hurting while sleeping. It was awful. Running will never be something I do.
BUT... I just found a bike ride that seems to be set up kind of like a 5k. I don't think there are awards or anything but you can choose from five or six different ... I don't know what to call them haha. DISTANCES!! 6 mile ride, 15, 24, and so on. I think I'm going to sign up to do this! It sounds run. Although I'm not sure how I'll feel about riding my bike in a crowd! We'll see!
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