Monday, February 2, 2015


Ah, it's already February! 2015 is already going by quickly. January was at times exciting, at times fun, and at times - plain stressful. I'm kinda glad it's over. February is a bit more promising. It's a short month, and once you get past the cheesiness of Valentine's Day, you can almost feel a breath of fresh air, proof of spring's long awaited arrival.

I never even got around to making goals for January, but I do have some for February so I'll share them here.

01. Go to church every Sunday. I hate that I have to make this a goal...but it's something I have struggled with for a while. I'm a serial church visitor. I've been to soo many churches over the past 3 years. I really  want to get involved and start serving this year.

02. Run 3x a week. Ugh. It's SO cold. Need I say more?(Even though I absolutely complained about the heat last comment.)

03. Memorize 4 scriptures, one per week. 

04. Work on my negative attitude. I am soo negative...I really want to become more optimistic. Any tips for finding the glass half full? Haha.

05. Read two books. Ahem...struggling this year...

06. Keep taking a picture every day. I've been doing the 365 project since January 11. It's been a real struggle some days, but others have been really fun. I'm trying not to lose my initiative there.

I think that's it and honestly, these goals aren't too difficult. What are your goals for the month?

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3 lovely notes:

J said...

I used to go to church all the time! then I got married... ugh! My husband isn't Catholic but he has gone to Mass with me before... I usually went to the Spanish Mass at noon so having to wake up early for the 10am mass is hard for us... we are lazy and need to just learn to wake up earlier! It's sad because if it was a 10am movie showing we would definitely wake up... I definitely need to work on this!


Lacey said...

I feel like January dragged by. It was a rough month for me. I hope February will be better!

these are all great goals. As far as the positive thinking goes, from what I've learned, the best way is just by practice. It seems silly, but you really have to practice positivity. You can do it, I believe in you! (see, think positive! :) )

Victoria said...

I love your goals! :) How's the Scripture memory going? That's something that I really need to work on that!