I am going to use this time to simplify several different aspects of my life including : my closet, my bedroom, my time, my wallet and my diet. This is going to be a tedious process but it will pay off in the end.sim·pli·fy
[sim-pluh-fahy]verb (used with object), sim·pli·fied, sim·pli·fy·ing.to make less complex or complicated; make plainer or easier.
The idea behind "going simple" is getting rid of the least important stuff and holding onto only the most important or most used items. I'm a packrat and I keep everything, so this will be rather challenging. I'm excited to get started though, mostly because my life is so messy right now. My room and my closet are a wreck that look like a tornado went through. My time is unplanned chaos. My wallet is in shambles because I buy so many things I don't need. My diet is full of processed and fatty foods that are bad for me.
I will be documenting the different aspects I change and I hope you'll follow along and make a few changes in your own life, if need be, or lend advice if you have any to share!
3 lovely notes:
Love this goal Jessica! I once heard that simplifying comes down to choosing well what we say "yes" to and what we say "no" to.
Good idea!! I have a lot of cleaning up in my room to do as well. I take after my mom and have seen a lot of packrat tendencies start to show in my life. Mostly I have thoughts of, "But I could make something out of this some day!" and throw it in a pile of "art supplies." Lol.
I am excited to see your changes and organizing tips! :)
oh girl I need to simply too!
have you heard of the book "seven" ? I can't remember the author or the rest of the title. (ha!) but its a Christian living book about simplifying specific areas in your life!
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